The holidays are fine and all, but in recent years, I’ve liked New Year’s Day! This is the view to the left from the front door—the market garden is about a mile down that road. Our little stretch of winter-like weather is holding, but it’s supposed to warm up and rain a little later, so most of this snow will likely soon be gone. For now, a nice, white and wintry start to what I’m sure will be an interestin’ year all round. I’m up for it. Happy New Year!

Beautiful pictures, but oh so different from where I am; growing sugar cane in Queensland, Australia. How do you cope with the cold? Over here, we usually get winter on a Tuesday.
Enjoying your blog.
Haha. That always-warm, huh. Here, this winter is actually taking its time coming. Most of the snow in the pic was gone last night in above zero weather and rain (and then came with overnight snow…)! We’re looking at above zero days at least until mid-January, which is weird and warm for us. But, y’know, you get used to it all!
Thanks, glad you’re enjoying it. I have every intention of posting regularly this new season. :)
Happy farming!
ain’t the snow lovely? happy new year mike!!!
Hey, heidi, to you and the family, too! It’s nice to know you’re still watchin’. I just went by your site, hadn’t been there in a long while. Sweet! :)
I like the snow
Hi, I was drawn here by the lovely photo of broccoli vs cauliflower, so simple yet so lovely. I see we are having similar weather, a brief burst of winter followed by unseasonably mild weather (I’m in Scotland). My annuals are still growing, I can hardly believe it, but I’m pretty sure we’ll get struck by cold soon, so I’m heading off to get a whole extra load of cuttings – which is lucky since the previous ones all succumbed to greenfly that bred like crazy because it’s been too mild.
I was wondering if you might add your garden to Folia the online gardening website (it’s free).
It’s a great resource for gardeners and has helped me keep on top of my 800+ plantings with photo’s, notes, journals, milestones etc. They have an extensive plant wiki and a seed stash section where people can also list seeds for swapping.
Here’s the link to my Folia page so you can see how it works:
It’s great to get a bit of snow that time of year, it makes everything look magical and you appreciate when it all gets back to normal! We had a bit here in Ireland before Christmas. The way I see it is to just embrace it.
Great blog with LOTS of interesting info, Thanks. I just found this but I will be back for sure hopefully daily. I love the snow covered field!!!!
I can’t believe I’m only finding your website now. I love it! My friends and I are doing something similar and your blog posts make me laugh because I can totally relate. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to following you :)
If you have large blossoms like peonies or hydrangeas in your garden put them in a big glass bowl and include them as part of your coffee table display. Coffee tables look great when accented with larger arrangements.
Good Blog i m feeling smell like flower ain’t the snow lovely? happy new year mike!!!