Milkhouse makeover
Autumn usually ends up being construction time. This year’s project is by far the biggest yet on the Tiny Farm, as we set out to more than double the area of the old milk collection room known as the Milkhouse. … Read the rest
Autumn usually ends up being construction time. This year’s project is by far the biggest yet on the Tiny Farm, as we set out to more than double the area of the old milk collection room known as the Milkhouse. … Read the rest
Heavy fog isn’t too common around here, but it happens. After thousands of hours of walking the two acres, strolling through this makes for quite an interesting change of scene.… Read the rest
The days are getting short, the weather’s cooling down, and average first frost is only three days away. It’s still officially summer, but I’m in fall mode now. Green onions and the brassicas, like this open leaf cabbage, are hardy … Read the rest
By mid-August, the CSA shares are nearing their peak. Here we have eggplant, carrots (including a new purple addition, Purple Haze), onions, beets, potatoes, yellow beans, summer squash, tomatoes, rosemary, plus salad mix out of sight. Still waiting on melons, … Read the rest
This is a great time of year, with everything growing, the sun high and strong, and still a good two months of prime harvest to come.… Read the rest
Here’s part of a weekly CSA share. There are about 25 members this year. A third pick up here, the rest on Saturday mornings at the farmers’ market 15 miles away. It’s all local! In the pic, this week’s washed: … Read the rest
A horizon-to-horizon rainbow stuck around for a good half hour this evening of the first day of summer. Here it’s arcing over the goat barn (which, despite it’s appearance, is far from caving in!).… Read the rest