As winter as it gets…
This is, I guess, the new look of winter. The barrels in the field are barely half covered, compared to the three or four feet of snow that accumulated by this time only a few years ago.… Read the rest
This is, I guess, the new look of winter. The barrels in the field are barely half covered, compared to the three or four feet of snow that accumulated by this time only a few years ago.… Read the rest
A corner of the veggie field. Yep, it definitely looks like winter out there. The snow is only a few inches deep, but the subzero days and nights are in the forecast for at least the next couple of weeks. … Read the rest
The consistently odd and erratic weather of the last four years continues to get weirder with this non-winter we’ve been having so far. A few cold snaps and a little random snow, but mainly, it’s been days around 5°C (40°F) … Read the rest
This is what it’s looked like more or less for much of this month. The snow is on its way out.… Read the rest