There are always veggies left in bins after the weekend farmers’ market and CSA shares Saturday, Sunday and Monday. You just can’t eat ’em all. After a couple of days grace, the remains are off to the compost heap. Today, it’s a nice selection!

There are always veggies left in bins after the weekend farmers’ market and CSA shares Saturday, Sunday and Monday. You just can’t eat ’em all. After a couple of days grace, the remains are off to the compost heap. Today, it’s a nice selection!
Compared to one month ago, the outline of the garden is pretty much…
Here's how the market garden looks as a quiet Sunday, and the summer,…
Bed preparation and first seeding continue. Today, Lynn's tiny farming experience broadened to…
Have you think about a couple of pig to clean out that left over ?
I have resently recieved all of my grandmother’s old jams and jellys and I would like to know if they could go on to my compost pile or not. Some of the jams are from 1975 to 1997 and I have found that you sould eat them no later than 24 monthes after the date on the lids. What should I do with them?
Kathleen: Jams and jellies should be fine on the compost heap. You can compost just about anything, but for regular garden composting, as far as leftover food, a general rule is to stay away from meat.
Here’s a fun list: 75 Things You Can Compost, But Thought You Couldn’t.
You should read about composting. Get a book, or just check out some stuff online. It may sound like more of an investment than you want to make, but it’s really interesting. You’d be surprised what even 30 minutes of online browsing will get you! :)
is there a food bank in town that would take the left over veggies..or a shelter…or a church? Or that big prison?
Nikki: Around here, it’s hard donating fresh veggies to food banks, because they don’t have the cold storage that they’d need to collect and hold produce. Also, I think it’s harder for them to distribute the relatively small quantities that come from individual tiny farms. The last couple of years, a group called Food Not Bombs takes whatever we can give at the Saturday market and uses it to cook a weekly open meal, so that’s worked out better!
Food banks are always desparate for fruits and veggies. Economically challenged families rarely can afford fresh veggies or fruit. Find a food bank near you, families will ve so happy to eat something freshly grown.