From delicious warm weather to snow, to mini-melt-off, to more cold and snow… The weather is yo-yo-ing, changing every couple of days. Seems unusual, but what isn’t with Our Weather of the Last Few Years? At this point, the only way I could keep track of all the weird weather configurations is with a detailed daily weather journal, constantly updating the stats. Somehow, that doesn’t particularly appeal to me! In the pic, the overnight snow makes a pretty topping for the useful wood scraps, ends of 2×6’s, conveniently piled just outside the new seedling room door…

The weather does seem more crazy this year than in the past… .we’ve hit a warm patch for the past few days so I hope it sticks this time though! How are things going prepping the new farm?
Mangochild: Things are going along fine. It’s completely crazy how many different things are all in the air that have to suddenly come together on a fairly tight schedule in the next 6 weeks. I think I tend to cover things on the blog when they reach a kinda milestone, something tangible (that can be photographed), and then explain backwards. Otherwise, especially at this time of year, and this year in particular with the move, the blog would mainly be a loooong to-do list, with a thing or two crossed off every couple of days… :) We did get accepted into the local farmers’ market a couple of days ago, which is a pretty big thing, the market is 6-8 times bigger than the one I was at before, and apparently PACKED every Saturday. So that’ll be fun… So, yeah, it’s GOOD TIMES and lots do…