
Tools sorted out

Tiny farming requires lots of bits and pieces, gear inevitably gets jumbled and misplaced, and the whole show can start to slow down as things get in your way and you spend time searching for this or that. Sorting things out is an on ongoing, neverending process. Last year, it seemed like a fine idea to stick all the hand tools in a 55-gallon barrel, so that nothing would be leaning against the hoophouse plastic. What a bad idea. Everything got tangled up, I began leaning my most used stuff against the barrel, and this year, when other people also started using the tools, it got completely out of control. Today, I screwed a couple of boards across the studs in the end wall—instant (if temporary) relief, and it got the barrel out of there, making it easier to move around the seedling tables. A place for everything and everything in its place—here, that often annoying recommendation does make sense!

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