Crispy cold carrots

Freshly dug carrots from the cold mid-November ground

Dug up about five pounds of carrots for a phoned in order for “whatever there is”. The ground isn’t frozen, but the many sub-zero nights have really chilled it out. These heirloom Touchon carrots benefited from their cool storage conditions. They’re crisp and super-tasty, not as sweet as my other standby, the Nelson hybrid, instead delivering a rich carrot flavor. Also still being picked in the cold, there’s spinach, kale, collards and flat-leaf parsley…

3 thoughts on “Crispy cold carrots”

  1. Carrot looks absolutely great. It looks very healthy in the green bucket.
    I wish I could have such carrot in the garden – but I am on the way to grow vegetables.

  2. I too, love the Nelson hybrid. My other favorite is the White Satin carrot. I hope to be pulling carrots all through the winter. Sounds great, but it would also be nice just to sit back and relax a bit in the winter.


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