Snap peas (above) are still the crop to watch for pleasing signs of veggie life in the fields. Mild concern over the chopped sod content continues, so each new bit of healthy growth, while expected, is still a happy event! The soil itself is nice, I’m comfortable with the fair degree of clay content (water-holding is good!), I’m pretty sure we’re developing a good working relationship. And there is a lot of other stuff to see. Three successive seedings of Sugar Ann snap peas are doing well—the first two are below, and in the distance, two seedings of spinach, broccoli and cauliflower under cover, radish, beets,… And there’s lots more. With tiny farming and Mother Nature, trust is good, but seeing is believing!

Whoo, look at that green!
I have a question about your field seeding technique. Why do you sow two rows close together? The gap for the rototiller and the path halfway down the field for walking I understand, but I’m curious about your reasoning for dual row seeding. Do you do this for all crops, or just certain seeds?
Thanks for answering my likely no-brainer question. :)
It’s such a milestone when you can see your plants from a distance. LOL Little things make a big difference. :)
It looks great!
Thank you so much for the great pics. I love seeing your blog after a hard days work in the garden. It shows me that I’m not completely off base with my too new CSA. This is a great web site and an amazing mood booster!
Kirsten…you plant the two rows close together so they can kind of trellis each other for support…
How is the wind in your area this year…we are getting blown away over here in Huron county.
I love sugar peas. In fact, I just had them in a veggie stir-fry for dinner. I wish I could grow my own. You’re lucky. Cheers!