Rosemary, seeded 10 days ago, has been coming up over the last couple of days. I’ve heard that germination for this herb can be hard, under 50%. I’ve usually done better than that. This tray is about half started, and more will come…. Ideally, this would’ve been in at least a month earlier, but I didn’t realize I was out of seed. And it’s so slow to grow… Of course, there are still plants out in the field (I never did bring them in), and although chances are slim, I have high hopes for survivors. I dunno, seems to be something a little off between rosemary and me. I’ve frozen potted up plants by leaving them too long in the hoophouse (after digging them up and putting them in nice big pots), I’ve rescued cuttings at the last minute off of the frozen plants, I’ve left plants in the winter field… It’s odd. I love rosemary! What’s going on? :) Anyhow, there will be rosemary…

I’m so jealous, rosemary is the one thing I can’t seem to get to germinate this year! I have like seven different kinds of lavender, which I have heard is difficult, but no rosemary!
I haven’t had luck germinating rosemary. Congratulations on the seed-starting accomplishment!
How did those rescued cuttings fare? Did they root?
Christine, Katie: That sounds FRUSTRATING. You gotta be able to grow rosemary if you want to!! Even if you only need a few plants, splurge on a fresh packet of seeds (that’s at least 200 seeds for $2 where I am). Sprinkle LOTS of seed in a flat, plug sheet, 2-3 bigger pots, whatever you use. I mean, use half the packet! Cover very lightly with your seedling mix and spray it in so it’s nice and wet. Put some clear plastic wrap loosely over: this’ll increase heat and hold moisture (just don’t seal it, let air get under). Keep it at a minimum 60°F room temperature and give it lots of light. Even if it’s in a sunny window, try and get a fluorescent bulb or if you have nothing else, a regular lamp, and put it up real close, 2-4″ for the fluorescent, further for the regular bulb (it gets hot). Keep it lit for 12 hours a day. Wait for 10 days or so, checking that the surface stays moist, then start looking out for your new rosemary (they can keep emerging for 2-3 weeks). I can’t see how you’re not gonna get at least a FEW starts from all that! And then you’ll feel so satisfied!! :)
Valerie: I was pleased with the results. About 20% took hold, which I thought was great since they were really pale, weak little cuttings, and I didn’t use rooting hormones, just watered ’em. They grew into the healthy rosemary that’s out there in the snow right now…