The first flat-leaf parsley has been popping up over the last day. This is Hilmar, a new variety I’m trying for the first time this year, in addition to the regular Plain Italian that’s around every season. Elsewhere in parsley, planted a few days earlier, there are two varieties of curly, Krausa Market and Green River. Altogether, 144 plugs, and I’ll keep two plants per. The quantities are not as worked out as for most of the other crops, because so far, it’s been more of a bonus herb, in CSA shares and occasionally at the farmers’ market. I’ll probably start one more tray of 72, because I have a couple more curly types—Green Pearl and Forest Green—that I’d like to try. Probably won’t need ’em all. I could pot the extra. Anyway, you can never have enough parsley!

Parsley is one of those things that always makes me appreciate seed starting! The little guys are so quick to sprout!
Did you know that parsley has three times as much vitamin C as oranges? Or that it has twice as much iron as spinach? It also has high levels of vitamin K, vitamin A and folate. In fact, there are dozens of other plants and herbs filled with nutrients we are ignoring in our modern world. – Dr. Al Sears MD