Second snow, 2009

Second snow of 2009

Around 8 am, just getting light, and it’s the second snow that’s sticking around for a while. Here, I’m standing in a weedy area right beside the barn, looking south-west over the south-facing slope, with the chickenhouse just out of sight to the right. (That’s a so-far unidentified piece of antique iron farm gear with wheels, sticking up on the left.)

Winter isn’t coming in as hard and early as it has in the last couple of years, the temperature is supposed to stay above zero for the next few days at least. We shall see!

Every year, the feeling on first seeing veggie production land disappearing under snow I find kinda cool and interesting. It’s not really sad or anything like that, but there’s definitely an “it’s really over now”, wiped-out thought-sensation-emotion thing going on. When you’re growing stuff, the snow and the cold really send a message. This is obvious, but still…worth noting. :)

6 thoughts on “Second snow, 2009”

  1. We just got our first snow this morning, in western NY.  Very bittersweet – it’s pretty, but now I know winter is here and that means less time outside.  Of course, the inside of my house could use some attention.

  2. All part of the wonderful cycle and why we appreciate the fresh stuff in its season.
    From here, that “unidentified” piece of equipment looks like a sickle bar mower for either a horse or tractor draw.

  3. We have just a bit of snow in the forcast but I am still picking spinach, lettuce, kale, to name a few from the garden. I am sure it won’t last much longer. I will third that vote for sickle bar mower by the way. You might be able to fix that up and use it to cut that weed patch its sitting in. :) With those iron wheels it probly is a simple self powered draw behind style like someone else mentioned.


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