Around here, nothing says WINTER like snow in the trees (except, of course, solid ice in the trees). Three inches (7.5mm) or so of powdery snow overnight transformed the entire outdoors with that magical winter wonderland effect. At some point every year, I’m struck by how strange and wondrous snow like this must look to someone seeing it for the very first time (the feeling does wear off…). It’s pretty, breathtaking, even, if you’re out in the woods, and great for invigorating walks. Eventually, it gets good for winter sports. It perfectly complements the endless strings of holiday lights that’re already going up in the village, completing the classic look of a white Christmas. As for tiny farming, snow moves the action mostly indoors…

happy winter mike!
Glad you like the pic. Trees in general make pretty dramatic and EASY photos, and especially when they’re covered with snow. Point and shoot! ;)
heidi: Thanks! I’ve gotta check your blog to see where you’re at! For me, this is going to be an odd and busy winter… I will report. :)
Matron: I remember two winters ago actually hoping winter would start already, the way you hope for sunshine or rain, so that the garlic would get a good dose of cold to trigger dormancy. That was a little weird, it didn’t get really cold till nearly February!
Great Picture. As many winters as I’ve gone through I am still astonished that I am surprised when it gets here for good. And It brings out the six year old in me.
What wonderful pictures of veggies in snow! These low temperatures are great to break up the soil, and to put some plants into proper hibernation over Winter. Rhubarb and apple trees need a specific number of days when the temperature is really cold so that they can develop fruit buds for next year.
Beautiful Photo. It stopped me in my tracks. It would be great on a wall, blown up really big….