Brought in the first of the winter squash, an early variety of butternut (called…Early Butternut), Uchiki Kuri (orange, Japanese Hubbard-type), acorn and pasta. We didn’t grow a lot, a few 50′ beds, mainly for the weekly harvest shares and personal use. Curing here is usually not involved at all, just keeping them out of the fall cold, but this year, we may try high temperature/high humidity curing for some, not so much for improved storage, but for taste. More as we decide.

Just rinse them off and keep them dry. If you don’t wash that dirt off of them, you’re going to have rot. But if you do, and you keep them dry, you can eat them for supper a year from now. Heck, maybe two.
Wow, beautiful squash. We grew Butternut, Buttercup, Crookneck, Pattypan and Table Queen squash this year. I’ve only tried the Pattypan squash so far and its delicious.
Do you ever have problems with squash bugs? If so what do you do? We’ve always had trouble with the squash bugs.
Hi, do you have any detailed blog about how to plant squash?