After only chickens last season, it’s farm animals in full force this time around. In the pic, Montana with the new-to-the-farm pair of Percheron work horses, the Shropshire sheep, and Rollie, the youngest of four Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs, looking on. Elsewhere, there are heritage breeds of pig, chicken, turkey and goose, plus other dogs, and two cats, as well. I’m looking forward to learning a lot. And if I ever fall behind in posting to the blog, quick and easy photo opportunities are…everywhere! :)

I’m so happy for you!
I use to raised registered Shrops and love the breed. Becoming a shepherd will bring an unimagined joy into your day to day life; and sometimes terrible heartache and self doubt. Especially during lambing.
Pigs are natural comedians and there’s not another farm animals I’d rather play with except for maybe a goat.
Animals have an entire secret life that sometimes we get a glimpse of .
Good luck with you new endeavor :-)
I’m very excited for all the new animals (the Perchies, especially, but that’s my own personal bias :P). Can’t wait to hear all about it and continued my vicarious living. :)
I just finished a goofy little book about sheep trying to solve the murder of their shepherd. I have a new-found affection for these wooly creatures. It’s lovely to see them out on your fields, and it’s lovely to see your posts again in my RSS feeder! Here’s to a wonderful season.
Heya…nice talking with you.
So jealous of your animals.
Going to pick up chickens for a friend tomorrow. At least I have chickens. Give Rollie a hug for me and enjoy that pork!
Hello – wonderful pics! Nice to see a Great Pyr doing what he was born to do! I know of a Great Pyr that is stuck in a kennel most of the time and getting yelled at the rest of the time… makes me sad that he will never know a meadow or get to do what centuries of breeding have suited him for. Anyway, the pics are a breath of fresh air and keep up the good work! Lovely horses!
It looks like all you need now are some goats. They are the natural clowns of a farm.
ANIMALS! will have to visit this summer!!
What do your ‘work horses’ do for work?
I ran into the term “charismatic megafauna” last year, via a bioligist finishing her masters degree on some fascinating aspect of bears (Andie). Big animals are surefire crowd pleasers, as long as they don’t bite, kick, butt or gore! :)
The horses are getting ready to foal, probably in May. They don’t do anything right now, but eat and mosey around the fields. They’ve only been here for a month or so. Montana is looking for gear for them.
The sheep are for breeding stock and meat.
This post is a picture of reality. I have another aspect of this post.I am very happy to see different animals are living happily at one place but it is not possible for all human beings to live like these animal in one farm
I have another aspect of this post.I am very happy to see different animals
Big animals are surefire crowd pleases, as long as they don’t bite, kick, butt or gore!
this blogs is animal in this blogs animal in very beautiful and charming.
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