Jerusalem artichoke in full flower

Jerusalem artichoke flowers

Last seen simply soaring up above 7′ (2m), the Jerusalem artichoke recently exploded with flowers. Last year, flowers appeared on some plants, and I read that flowering chokes isn’t that common. You couldn’t tell from here… The plants continue to thrive, weathering pretty heavy wind recently with only a bit of a lean. I haven’t dug around to see what the tuber harvest may be like, but I expect it’ll be massive…

10 thoughts on “Jerusalem artichoke in full flower”

  1. If you let the flower heads go to seed you’ll be able to resow from this colony. However, the ripening of the fruit (sunflower seeds) will take good juju (technical term) from the tubers.

    Thanks for a refreshing blog. Your work is enlivening and heart warming.

    John Douglas Archer
    Tucson, Arizona

  2. Hi there, sorry to be off topic here but I tried to email you without success.

    The reason I am writing to you from deepest rural France is because at the blog I run, Farm Blogs from Around the World  (it’s not a business, it’s a hobby) I am trying to gather in one place the very best of global blogging about farms, farming and rural life. It’s a hobby really that follows my global interest in farming.
    You were recommended to me by Andy at Bluebird Meadown Farms ( )and as a result I have added you to the Farm Blogs blog roll.
    You can find the blog roll, sorted by country.
    My posts are made up of postings about recommended bloggers, postings about their recommendations from farm bloggers and I also post regular stories about world farming.
    All blogs have been recommended to me by other bloggers or identified by me during my occasional browsing.
    I have a pretty broad definition of farming – if you’re producing food or natural fibre you’re a farmer, to my mind at least.
    So blogs range from ranches to part-time smallholders, and resources for them.
    Once recommended, I add them to the blogroll and then contact the bloggers asking them to send me a few words about their farm/small-holding and their blog and, critically, to recommend their favourite farm/farming blogs.
    And so it goes and grows.
    I would very much appreciate it if you could please consider:
    a) writing to me with your (up to) 5 favourite/best  farming/rural blogs recommendations – not currently listed on my blog; particularly any non-American ones from countries not yet represented or under represented, but no matter if they are American only;
    b) send me a brief description of your farm and blog, (specifically your location, your acreage and what stock, crops or natural fibres you raise) as well as permission to use up to 5 photos from your site so I can make a posting about you;
    b) add a link on your website, if that’s possible, to; and if you can find a moment even make a posting about and how this blog is growing organically across the world from other farming bloggers.
    I know this is a drag but a lot of people are finding that my blog is driving traffic to them, so I hope you can find a moment to drop me a line. Very much hoping to hear from you,
    With kind regards,

  3. I was wondering if we could purchase from sunchokes from you.  The seed catalogs seem to be terribly expensive, and working with other small farmers is important.   We are looking to plant a 4 x 100 ft bed with sunchokes.

  4. Hi,

    I live in Toronto and though sunchokes are indigenous to N. America they are almost impossible to buy in garden centres. I found them in food stores and will plant those.

    Anyone with tips on how to grow, please write

  5. a co-worker gave me a few tubers to plant and said they would really be fun to watch them grow. she neglected to tell me how much they would spread and how hard it was to control them. she was right about the fun to watch grow because they are absolutely the most beautiful plants in the yard when full grown and in full bloom. i have had to put the “round-up” to them a few times just to get them to die back some. it was odd to read some the replies that y’all can’t find the plants when i’m steadily trying to get rid of mine. only goes to show that one persons’ garbage is anothers treasure.

  6. Hi,
    My neighbour dug some out of his garden and gave me a few.  Well they are huge and growing well.  Today they are covered in flower buds.  Now I find out they are Jerusalem artichokes and will have to search the web to find out how to cook them.  Next year I will stick them in the rear garden.  Anyone want tubers in the fall?  I’m in Hamilton, ON.


  7. Pingback: Flowers » The Powerful Image Gallery – By GMB

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