A last tray of onions—Red Wing hybrid red onions that did well last year—is hanging around the seedling room. What are they doing still not in the ground? Well, most of our onions—Stuttgarter-type yellow cooking, yellow Spanish, Red Wing, around 3,o00 in all—are already planted, in two sections, far apart. As I jigsawed together this season’s garden layout (now with the garden MAP), these guys just didn’t fit in the first two onion plots. So, they’ll get a bed of their own, somewhere, real soon, and we’ll see how they do compared to the others. Timing!

What size tray is that? How do you get your onions to be that big in relation to the tray? If that’s a 72-cell tray I am going to cry. My onions are wimpy and small and sad. They transplant out OK but they grow slowly and are super frail in their cells.
i need information about postharvest
So I planted 3 red onion plants already started from a garden house. The very top of them bulbed w/seedling pouch. I cut them off 2 weeks ago (onions still in the ground.. I put the 5″ stems w/the seedling puch in a glass of water to find they’ve opend and now I have these strands of seedlings. (I think thats what they are) What do I do with them. Plant them, dry them.. this is all new to me.
I live in seattle wa.. average temp these days 65′.. HELP