This is it, the official start of the new growing season (since there wasn’t time to plant out garlic in the fall at the new farm)! I seeded a fresh packet of 1,000 Red Wing red onion seeds in three 72-cell plug sheets. That’s 4-5 seeds per cell—after the good results last season, I’m going the multi-plant route again, 3-4 onions in one spot, instead of singles. There are lots more onions and leek to come, including sets, this is the beginning. I’m still at the old farm, the new seedling room is not quite ready, so I’ll be starting a few more things here in the next couple of days, and take them along on the move! For the Red Wing, I hung a couple of lights on one of the light racks. As usual, the trays are covered in plastic wrap to hold heat and moisture. This tiny farm marches on!

The date on this blog entry says Feb 7 , looking at my calender it says its Feb 12, 2009 and it’s Thursday not Saturday!
Great idea, I’ll have to try the multiplant!
I had just read about this in Colemans book and recall watching your multi-plants grow last season. I am going to give this a go this season. I started my onion Jan 21st here in Brantford, ON but nowhere near 1000 seeds. Good luck with your crops this season!
When do you transplant your onion plants? How many weeks after sowing, soil temp?
Hooray for the start of planting season and those first seeds in the earth! Good luck with it this year :-) Do you think the multi-planting method would work for other crops too?
I just started my onions yesterday as well. Not quite as many though, maybe 100. I’ll have to give multiplanting a shot.
Just got my racks built this week, and I will be doing the same as well. Nice to see that there are quite a few people all doing the same thing this year, just on this tinyfarmblog!
It’s so exciting to see someone starting a new growing season already. I’m looking forward to watching your progress.
A nice flat of onion seeds was started today! A nice afternoon was spent pruning the raspberry patch.