Onions emerge

Red Wing onion seedlings emerge

Four days from seeding and the first Red Wing onions are popping up. A fine sight to see, the first new on-farm veggie greenery of the season! These guys will be transported to the new farm on Sunday… So many things going on at once—seed starting while moving the tiny farm—if you’re a fan of the slightly surreal (I am!), this is just great!

8 thoughts on “Onions emerge”

  1. I have found that potato onions are very satisfactory.  They are planted in the fall and also come up in the spring. They are a multiplier onion and are similar to shallots but much easier to grow. And when they are harvested there will be some smaller onions that are too small to use in the kitchen but they can be planted the following fall.  It is almost like having a perpetual onion. They can be found at http://www.mainepotatolady.com  or

  2. Aaaahhhhhhh! I’m allergic to onions – my enemy looks like it is going well on your farm – darn it! Thank goodness there is a big sea between us.

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