This first spring-planted garlic experiment is coming along just about as I imagined it would, from what I’d heard: slower and smaller. It’s 3-4 weeks behind where fall garlic usually is at this point, scapes are just emerging. Then again, everything has been growing slowly in the cool and cloudy weather we’ve been having. Plus, they only went in at the end of April, could’ve been a couple of weeks sooner. Earlier in, in better weather, maybe they’d go a little faster. Then, they’re SMALLER, and I don’t think anything would change that. At least half of the stems look pencil-thin. Well, like FAT pencils. In case it makes a difference, I snapped a shot of one that’s…bigger (below). Positive thinking! Anyhow, they’re planted in 3 rows x 35′, 6″ spacing, not mulched, been weeded a couple of times, and that’s about it for the spring-planted garlic so far!

Do you have any pictures of what the finished product looked like? I did a similar experiment this year with carrots when we moved in August and had similar results. I decided with the carrots that they were fine for home use but not market worthy. I always like throwing caution to the wind and trying odd things like this. To me this is the best way to find new techniques. You never know until you try.
I appreciate the way you share your growing experiences, as if they were among the most interesting things in the world, which they are! I too relish a good experiment, and I have planted spring garlic in zone 4 @ 6500′ altitude — with the same results as you see. In this way we find out what parts of growing are governed by natural systems and what rules & regs are just human habit. Today I’ll set my thought to remember what some of my more successful experiments were and get back to you. :-)
Edie: “…among the most interesting things in the world…” It’s junior, just-starting-out farmer-scientist mode! :)
what types of garlic are the two garlic stalk-scape pictures in your post please?
Much deep thanks!