Not the happiest campers after three days and nights of frost protection, peppers and eggplant have one day and two nights more under row cover, if the forecast is to be believed. But the 15-day forecast a week ago was for no more cold nights, so…who knows! We’ve had about a week of frost warning nights so far since the second week of May, which I don’t think I’ve seen before. Normally, the covers would come off during the day, but with everything else to do now, and the kinda elaborate weighting-down-with-rocks setup, it’s simpler to leave it in place till the end…

No frost warning here, but we had about 100 mm of rain in the past 5 days. I think this is the most rain I have seen in a week since I moved here. The field is completely soggy, which mean no direct seeding for another week for sure, although I do plan to transplant a few things today or tomorrow. That set the season back quite a bit.
Fortunately, the long-term forecast (for what they are worth) are predicting sun for the next two week. Bring it on!
To hold down my row cover, I use 1″ chain along the edges on the ground. It is smooth and heavy and seems to work well. It was just laying around the place here so I put it to good use.
Farming and or gardening is a hard work most especially in the cold climate.
Will it ever warm up this year? This has to be one of the coldest years on record.
what would be the time for using row cover? Or between what temperature should i use the row cover to protect them? I just want to start a garden in my backyard with some raised beds and some garden products from our own. Quite a beginner, hope to learn a lot from your blog. This is really a fantanstic place.
And will pepper need staking? I saw some guys stake pepper, when will we stake them?
I think by now your good. It has been so hot these last couple of days! This is just one of the risks you have to take being a farmer. The weather is so unpredictable, sometime you just have to go with your gut.
It’s July–still frost warnings (here in Midwest)!
You bring up some good points about farming in the colder climates. Being a farmer you have to rely so much on mother nature for your crops. Thanks for your post!
The weather makes absolutely no sense this year. Hot then cold then hot again and cold again. No defined seasons to speak of.