Harvested the season’s first sweet peppers, for the Monday CSA shares. They’re small…but tasty (that description has popped up a few times this year, as we pick early against the slow-growing weather and the flying by of time). The lime-yellow, tapering Gypsy (yellow-to-orange-to-red) are performing well once again, early and prolific, and the always-early, dark green bell peppers are Ace (green-to-red). Both varieties are F-1 hybrids (no seed saving), which isn’t great, but these guys are super-reliable in crazy weather, so I still plant ’em first… Peeking out from underneath, Ambassador (green) and Golden Dawn III (yellow) zucchini (also hybrids; GDIII is a mad producer, yellow zukes everywhere, on and on—another reliable standby that I’d love to replace with an open-pollinated variety)—after finally starting to take off a couple of weeks ago, the first planting of summer squash hasn’t looked back. So that’s something!

You’ve beaten me to it! I reckon I’ll be taking my first harvest in the next 5-10 days. The pods will still be green, rather than red/yellow, but I can’t wait any longer! I’ll start off with some Sweet Long Marconi, Bellboy, Prairie Fire and Hot Wax peppers.
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Small or not, they look great. Congrats.
Wow, those look beautiful! I want to take a bite out of my monitor.