The first new seed catalog came in three weeks ago, but the first from the two seed companies I mostly use arrived on Friday. Today, I took a quick look, checking to see what’s new, but mainly making sure that reliable stand-bys are still around. Dusky eggplant, that manages to come through in the craziest conditions. Rich, earthy Bloomsdale spinach (open pollinated!). Earlivee sweet corn for its speed and it’s more-corn-less-sugar, not-overly-sweet taste (it’s…gone!). Early Dividend broccoli and First Crop beets, planted in spring for their reliably extreme earliness. The shortlist goes on. Most of ’em are still there! The ones that fall off tend to be open-pollinated varieties, as they make way for “better” hybrids… These catalogs are convenient, but I wonder when I’ll get around to seed-saving for real. Progress!

I have the same ponderings myself. Saving seeds is such a lofty goal but I never seem to have the time, or energy for it. I hugely admire those that do. Kim
What companies do you primarily use for ordering seeds and which if any have you had bad luck with?
Thanks for keeping us up to date on whats happening. Those of us dreaming of small farming enjoy it a great deal even if we are stuck behind a keyboard all day :)
Oooh! I can’t wait until my catalogs start arriving!
You have grown Early Dividend broccoli? The catalogs all claim “whopping 1 foot heads”. I’m not sure how they get away with saying that. How big are the veggies on this type? I was already planning on trying them in 2009.
we always grow Early Dividend broccoli….several plantings
there is Swede Midge in the area ..this is causing some challenges
we always plant Early Cascade tomatoes in one of our Hoophouses ……i haven’t found the seed available in any catalogues yet??
I seem to have been forgotten by all but one of the seed companies this year! Maybe it is because I order online.
Do you have any storage onion varieties to suggest that grow very large onions here in ontario?
I know I’m late, but I hope you see this all the same…. I’m really interested as to what seed catalogs you use, and what has worked for you in terms of planting times/”sure fire” companies, etc. Any tips? I’m in central CT…