Starting the new chickenhouse

Building the new chicken coop

Forty two-week-old meat chickens arrive in two days: now sounds like a great time to begin building a new chickenhouse. It’s not like we’re starting from scratch. The plan is to reassemble and repurpose the once-and-formerly-future farm stand. With its fairly massive floor, 6×6 rough cut cedar posts, and galvanized roof, it should be a fairly solid and complete framework, just add some studs and plywood. Except, the stand was completely taken apart for the old-farm-new-farm move, with the exception of the base, which was only cut in two. So it’s kind of a puzzle. Michael gets to work! (Elsewhere today, another shopping trip to our farmers’ market…our attendance record is so far perfect…)

4 thoughts on “Starting the new chickenhouse”

  1. Wow….. someone else with my sense of timing. Nothing like a deadline to put a fire under certain parts of the anatomy. Good luck and I look forward to more chicken photos.

  2. Greetings from Eastern Washington – California weather, none of the people!  Found your blog a while back and have enjoyed reading it.  I’m a beekeeper (sometimes) and one of my retirement goals is to build a Chicken coop.  I have loved birds my whole life and have raised Homing Pigeons.  But pigeon eggs are too small and I have grown accustomed to chicken eggs.  Yum!  I’ll be following its construction.  Nice blog.


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