Sunflower is my new favorite flower…because it comes up quick. These Claret seedlings, along with Sunrich Orange and the Go Bananas mix, all poked up after barely three days, with even germination down the rows. Flowers this year are lower priority than the veggies, so they got in a little later than they could’ve. Yesterday, I showed my production list to a flower gardener, who nodded as she read, said “oh, cosmos” in what I took to be an approving tone, and finally commented, “well, you may be a little LATE for some” (my emphasis on LATE). She was only referring to the longest possible season for each, but it made me realize what a dread concept LATE has been all along, only usually it’s just in my own head. You’re constantly trying to stay on top of seeding and transplant timing, hoping for early last frost and late first frost, attempting to squeeze in one more planting, and always wondering if this or that will be…TOO LATE. In fact, it always works out… What you learn is, either way, no worries!

Sunflowers are beautiful and their seeds are really useful for sunflower oil or fed to the birds.
Sara from farmingfriends
Thank you! I had just about decided not to bother sowing sunflowers this year, until I read this – I shall go ‘n’ sow some this evening.
Hey Alison: They come up quick, but you may want to pick your varieties, there’s quite a spread in maturity dates. In the cut flower types (all that I looked at), you should be blooming in around 60 days for many, which is perfect, but some go up to 85-90. Still, it’s only spring yet! A whole summer to go!! I’m planning to replant every couple of weeks until mid-July.