As the sun sets
You can only come up with so many titles for the same photo, taken every few days, to show the ups and downs of the local weather. The sun is getting warmer, more head-on. That’s normal! Wondering when the fields … Read the rest
You can only come up with so many titles for the same photo, taken every few days, to show the ups and downs of the local weather. The sun is getting warmer, more head-on. That’s normal! Wondering when the fields … Read the rest
Back to bit of a traditional great northern winter look after a fair dusting of snow. It looks wintry, but you only get that old time winter feeling when it sticks around for months, with short days of freezing cold. … Read the rest
The last pile of firewood, hopefully enough to get through the cold weather. There’s more in another small stack, enough for a week or two, then this. It’s a motley collection, cut further north from here, from the zillion trees … Read the rest
The snow is clearing pretty quickly. I haven’t checked the weather forecast for the next couple of days. It could go either way: all brown again, or…all white, again! We’ll soon see…… Read the rest
It looks messy in the outdoors. The snow is melting off again, the ground’s still frozen but the surface is mushy grass and squishy mud. Not the most pleasing, pretty picture, but now there’s a hit of real warmth in … Read the rest
A few hours of steady snowfall blanketed the landscape and we have a magical winter wonderland postcard scene. It may be enough snow to stick around for a while, unless next, it rains!… Read the rest
Wood heat has been the winter way around here for the last few years. The old wood stove, and stacks of firewood. In cold snaps, where it stays well below freezing, day and night, the fire is always burning. In … Read the rest