Fall harvest…

Carrots and scale

We’re definitely into fall weather now: the thermometer may still read “warm” but there’s always a cool edge in the air. This is the best field-working weather, you can go on for hours. Today was a bit damp, and the abundant root crops were muddy from the overnight rain (they get rinsed, with a spray of the hose on Jet for the roots, then a dunk in the laundry sink to rinse off the leaves). Carrots were in 2 lb (900g) bundles, by the trusty kitchen scale we’re still using…

Field-bundled beets

We bundled the beets in the field—these are the red standbys of the season, Scarlet Supreme. Always reliable, they’re in great shape and flavor, and the greens are particularly substantial…

Assorted tomatoes

The tomato harvest was fairly slim and motley, maybe 120 lbs (54kg), enough for CSA shares only. We’re picking them even partially ripe—frost may come at any time, no sense in waiting. The toms may not be too pretty, but they’ve somehow become real tasty in the last couple of weeks, steadily developing from the milder flavors of the first pickings, to really quite fine! Was it the recent sunshine?  Whatever the reason, it’s a pleasant surprise!

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