Working with the tiny tractor always looks like fun: after three seasons, it’s still fun for me, and just about everyone else seems to enjoy it, too! This Kubota compact tractor is dead simple to operate, rugged and reliable, easy on diesel, and nonthreateningly…tiny. And it’s as close as we’ve gotten to the other world of big, mechanized agriculture. Tilling with the 48″ rototiller is the Kubota’s main in-the-garden-beds field duty (and that’s something I try to keep to a minimum). I’ve come to rely on it for this one critical task, and to a lesser degree, for moving earth, manure, compost and other things with the front-end loader. Particularly, when time gets short and weeds on open sections start to go crazy, it’s great to have around. Here, Libby tries rotilling for the very first time, working up two sections for planting out fall brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage,…). And, yep, looks like she’s having fun!

Hi, can you give a few details about your Kubota tractor? We need to start looking into getting a tractor, and a couple of words you used in your post are very appealing to me, lol….”dead-simple” and “nonthreateningly tiny”…..
What model of Kubota do you have and what is the horsepower? Thanks again for all your blog posts, we learn a Lot coming here to check in and see what’s new on your Tiny Farm.
Hum….another pretty girl.
Please forgive my impertinence but what’s the ratio of men to woman on your farm?
I’m really getting curious.
Are you married?
Are you looking?
I suppose if you are you’ll not have far to go :-)
Annie –
We just bought a New Holland TC18 Boomer (18 horse) and we are very happy with it.
We were seriously considering a Kubota but new Holland had better financing at 0% for 48 months.
I was also thinking that there seems to be alot of females on the work force. Now obviously I am not being sexists at all, if anything men are the winners with me being one of them, lol.
I really enjoy following your blog, you have such a nice spot and a beautifully layed out field.
Check out my veggie garden blog:
Check out to learn more on The Truth About…Organics
Thanks for the post! We have the same little Kubota on the farm; it’s meant for horticulture / agriculture student use, but so far the correct paper work hasn’t gone through to get them on the tractor. Indeed, we’re still trying to get them out to the farm! Training a successive generation shouldn’t have so many roadblocks…
Very nice blog. The compact tractor is the work horse on the farm, find your self with a break down, and you’ll miss it for sure. My advise to any one buying a compact tractor would be get the front end loader. It can save many back breaking chores. I saw another web site about compact tractors that may be of interest.
Darrell D
I, like Annie above would love to know more the tractor. It seems right-sized for small operation. What is the wheel clearance? Can you drive over 48″ rows? And, if it isn’t too much to ask, how much is it going for?
Kubota tractors are true workhorses. Plenty of power, reliable, and many attachments. We have 3 used kubota tractors in stock now…come check us out at
Great blog! I’m a massive Kubota tractor fan, they just never let you down! The one I use never breaks down, and is a pleasure to drive. would you please spend a few minutes checking out my blog. I am a farmer who has been raising over 50 breeds of chickens for the past forty years.
We bought a Kabota 3400 I think is the number last year, got a new one with 0% since getting used actually cost more for the 5 years. It is great I am a city girl who married a farm boy, and even I can operate it. Which is saying A LOT! my 3 year old calls it mama’s tractor, teh riding lawn mower is daddy’s tractor to him.
What is the size and modle of the tiller you have, we are thinking a getting one.
I have a B7800 Kubota. Great tractor and big enough to run a 5.5′ tiller, and small enough to get around stuff in the garden. I grow garlic and peppers and other stuff and use my Loader Buddy for all my garden and farmstead chores. Definitely get a loader!!!
Thanks for all your blog posts. Kubota tractor is a pleasure to drive
Tractors are definitely a lot of fun. Great Post!
i’ve seen a smaller one. and it just amazes me how this [relatively] small tractors do the work. lol
Hi, can you give a few details about your Kubota tractor? We need to start looking into getting a tractor, and a couple of words you used in your post are very appealing to me, lol….”dead-simple” and “nonthreateningly tiny”…..
Hi, Khan
A couple of considerations when selecting small tractors. First, I agree with everyone who said get a front-end loader. Second, your size will depend on what you want to get done– all tractors work the same, so getting used to a larger one is pretty much the same as a smaller one. Don’t undersize as you’ll regret the limitations (difficult to cover rough terrain, limited safe loads in the loader, wheel width,…). Get ag tires if you’re working in wet or muddy fields, turf tires if you’re only working on your lawn. Three point hitches will allow you to expand your collection of implements but remember that even a Kubota 3400 won’t be heavy enough to pull a 3 furrow moldboard plow.
Good luck
Here in western VA a small 15-18 hp tractor like that could not handle a 4 ft tiller. To much clay and rocks.
can anyone help me about getting a cheap tractor manual online?
I (I mean “we”) have a 29 hp Case New Holland tractor with an auger and a front end loader. It is the great equalizer for short, not very physically strong, but hard-headed women like me. With it, I can do all the things the “boys” do – unload and move 50 lb feed sacks from my truck, plant trees, sink fence posts. I even watered newly planted trees by filling up the front end loader with water (before we ran water to that area). My husband has used it to lift and tow vehicles around the property. One thing for short people, however – in this model, there is an automatic safety cutoff if you are not on the seat and the parking brake is not set. I am light enough and short enough that sometimes when I put the clutch all the way in, I come up off the seat “just enough” so that it cuts out. I think I’ve stretched my left leg an extra 1/2 inch because I don’t have that problem now! But it was annoying in the beginning. If you are short, you might want to try that out before you buy one. The dealership may be able to move the seat mount closer for you (if you do it yourself, it may void the warranty if you need to drill into the frame).
we want a dealership of your tractor for kashmir valley
Mudasir Ahmad
M No 9697864351
My wife and i just bought a 38 acres farm, and we now need a tractor for moving and tilling etc. we would rather not spend a fortune, as we are just starting out. Actually i continue in my current employment, my wife has the growing/horse instruction itch :-)
Please, base on your experiences, could you make some suggestions.
BTW we are in Western PA
In Our Country India,There is a Innovative and most efficient mini tractor Producer Captain Tractors.
They make tractor as per farmers Need.
Girl in the tractor is very nice: )
These mini tractors are pretty handy to use specially for woman. I’m not saying that woman can’t drive big tractors.
very nice information given by you..thanks a lot
I worked at Dimo Sri Lanka for years.They produce excellent tractors suiting for a vast range of customers.This tractor reminds me those models.
I love it! Looks like a blast riding that little thing around. What year is that thing?