The season’s weekly rain watch begins. Weeks start on Monday. The big 25 on the rain gauge is the magic 25mm/1″ mark, the rule-of-thumb ideal for a week—an inch of slow and steady rain over a few hours, and of course all the rest, sunshine, that’s just…beautiful. A 1/2″ is an OK minimum for a bit. More than an inch a week ongoing for a while can be troublesome, depending on the crop and stage its—disease, small seed washed out, bigger seed rotting, whatnot, it is all possible :)—and it does occasionally happen. So far this week, 18mm here and 20mm total, so, doing fine!

Hey Tiny Farm! I love your blog! I have learned so much from your experiences and can’t wait to try my hand at tiny farming and/or urban gardening myself. Things must be in full swing up there because I haven’t seen an update in awhile! Keep the gorgeous pictures coming! =)
Glad to hear you are doing well with the rain. It’s been a very hot summer for us here in NJ.
Great article
Visit my blog
Just found your blog and it’s so interesting. Since you posted in July it hasn’t STOPPED raining lol
seed oil press
:) Great blog, thanks for share.
Hey Tiny Farm,
I am so glad that you’re sharing this with people! Its a great thing to grow organic produce, definitely the most healthy way! I look forward to following your blog and getting additional information from you!!
We have a blog at that talks about organic produce and an organic lifestyle, it’d be great if you could check us out! (:
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life- think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the was to success….”
This is my idea, this is my life.
The Earth provides all that we need to live and thrive. So what will it take for humanity to live within the means of just one planet?
It’s time for a change, a huge change. Society and culture must take a 180 degree turn and sustainable-local-natural farming must be the new normal.
I believe the only solution to many of the worlds crisis’, specifically the food crisis is turning to small-sustainable farming. This mean we must farm more naturally and be stewards to that land we live and love. We have to take a step back in as far as technology and practices. Everyone has to take responsibility for their footprint on earth. We only have one earth, and if we don’t act now the beauties that earth brings us will be gone before we know it- along with the human race. This blog discusses sustainable ideas, sustainable design, produce layout, and the vision of The New World Farm.
I am creating this blog, because I will be the guinea pig for this- during my travels I will upload ideas and projects which will eventually put into place. The idea is to start a farm with and interactive community on this blog to bounce ideas around and refine ideas other have brought up; the most popular ideas and put them into practice on The New World Farm. It is also a place for discussion and review about produce, products and ideas.
I want your ideas (either concepts or detailed plans) on what else I should have on this “New World” farm.
This blog is intended to be an ever-evolving work in progress, as new ideas pop up and are re-evaluated they will be posted. So check in regularly for new material and updates!
I NEED news!!!
Where are you, awesome gardeners?
Greethings from Italy!!
Hahahahaha, still alive and well. :)
I believe the only solution to many of the worlds crisis’, specifically the food crisis is turning to small-sustainable farming. This mean we must farm more naturally and be stewards to that land we live and love. We have to take a step back in as far as technology and practices. Everyone has to take responsibility for their footprint on earth. We only have one earth, and if we don’t act now the beauties that earth brings us will be gone before we know it- along with the human race.