Nice sun, but kinda cool and definitely windy. Michelle came by for a day of mostly organizing and arranging: managing seedlings, and measuring and staking out garden sections (now, according to the new garden map). We’re once again using 50′ (15.2m) squares as the basic garden unit. The 100′ (30.5m) reel-up vinyl measuring tape is the handiest tool for this, as we walk up and down and around, a person on each end of the tape, calling out measurements and planting fluorescent-flagged stakes… There’s a satisfying sense of order when a freshly tilled section is staked out. All those neat squares tell you, you are master of your garden, and things are well under control! :)

Oh I just have to laugh at that one. I just have a little home vegetable garden, and I never really feel like the master of my garden. Nature rules my garden with a whimsical fist. She giveth and she taketh away. I do like the neat and orderly rows however. It gives me the illusion of control.
Wow, can’t believe its still cool up there…we’re sweltering in tropical humidity in Fort Worth, TX , high 80s low 90s, and summer has even hit yet! Looks like your having a good time with the new farm–if the temps would warm up that grass you tilled in would decompose faster…
man o man I love your blog!!. Never replied here, and cant check much lately due to the incredibly busy season now underway, but I must say I’m never master of the garden in the end, but there is a brief time period in late spring when I feel I am and boy o boy it’s the greatest feeling.