Finally, the first production map for this new market garden! Usually, it’s a good idea to get a detailed map done early in the winter, before making up the main seed orders (or, if that’s where you’re at, before taking inventory of your vast store of saved seed!). Here, with our hasty start-up in late November, and piecemeal plowing of sections over the last month, it’s been hard to tell how much area would be ready when. This morning, Peter down the road disked the final large area, and as the sun set, I walked around staking out sections with fluorescent marking tape, then sketched out the first production map. Each square is 50′ x 50′ (15m x 15m). To be filled in…

This time of year is always interesting. We just planted our market garden last week.
Good Luck this Year!
Keep on Mike! One step at a time, gets you where you want to go. Dealing with sod is a season long battle. Those clods!! It took a long time to get a nice fluffy, ready for carrots, type of bed.
The new Tiny Farm is very exciting-a blank canvas awaits your ag masterpiece. I know I’ll be watching.