This is our second Saturday market with quite a solid harvest, both selection and quantity. Last week was fine, this week we’ve added the first of the fall spinach, also, an unexpected bushel of radish that sized up practically overnight, picked at the end of the day yesterday at the perfect maturity moment. For the record, we have: green onion (Ramrod), two kales (Red Russian, Nero di Toscana), green and yellow beans (Jade, Indy Gold), two carrots (Nelson, Touchon, mixed), radish (Rebel), cherry tomatoes (a mix of 7-8 varieties, hybrid and heirloom), Asian greens mix (mustards, mizuna, tatsoi, etc, our custom blend!), arugula, Swiss chard (Lucullus, a pale green heirloom), beet (Kestrel), salad mix (four varieties of lettuce), summer squash (Golden Dawn III, Baby Tiger and Raven zucchinis), cucumber (Fanfare and a few round heirloom Lemon), and spinach (Bloomsdale). For those who like lists!

Very pretty. It’s so hot down here in Louisiana that we can’t start our fall garden until late October.
Do you sell out? Or do you eat the leftovers?
Everything looks great,I am going to start my own tiny farm in a couple of years when I retire. I will be 59 yrs. old and should be able to do all the work. I have a little over 10 acres and plan to do vegetables on 2 acres and grapes on 3 acres cut 2 acres for grass mulch and compost. I grow vegetables that we eat and can for the off season(mainly corn, green beans,caulf, broc,brussel sprouts, onions,tomatoes,lettuce,turnips and radishes.
Love it when you write .Any comments please respond
White Oak Creek Farms
Wow, this looks great! I so wish my market has a nice selection like this! I would give anything to have that bushel of radishes right now! Glad I stumbled on your blog. Look forward to reading more.
I was wondering if you knew about SallyeAnder Soaps. They make an all natural handmade soap called Garderner’s Hand Soap. Oh man, its amazing, it cleans everything. It’s chemical and toxic free so it is safe for all ages. It cleans any and everything, I can’t stress that enough. I just wanted to recommend this soap to you because you are in a garden a lot. I hope you enjoy it. I have been for almost 4 years. Maybe you could even blog about it one day? They even make an Organic Rose and Rosemary Soap too, that my wife loves.
All of your farmer market pictures always look so much better than the farmer markets I get to down here in Mississauga/Milton/Brampton area! They’re about 50% wholesalers, and it doesn’t seem that most of the people shopping in them really know that those guys with super low prices and packaged fruit aren’t really farmers themselves. It’d be nice to go to the farmer’s market and really see more farmers!
You take beautiful pics! Are you the same as Tiny Farm as listed on
Kevin: We usually sell out of at least a few things, sometimes just about everything. Recently, we’ve bringing a lot, and doing well but still ending up with quite a lot. We take stuff, give away or trade a little with other vendors, and then give the rest to Food Not Bombs, who do a free dinner every Monday in town.
Charlie: Sounds…like a plan! Sounds great!! :)
Cam: From what I’ve heard, and the two markets I’ve actually participated in, resellers are pretty much a fact of life. Some markets prohibit them, all vendors have to grow their own, but the resellers also draw traffic that spills over to everyone else. Sometimes it annoys me, but overall, but usually I think it’s really up to the buyers to know what they’re doing, and that seems to be coming along at its own pace…
UPDave: No, not the same Tiny Farm. I took a look, their operation is cool, their off-season veggies especially!