First look of the year!
Today’s view of the field, my first since last fall! I’m about a mile (1.6 km) down the road, and I do sometimes pop by in the off-season. Usually, though, it’s out of sight, not out of mind for the … Read the rest
Today’s view of the field, my first since last fall! I’m about a mile (1.6 km) down the road, and I do sometimes pop by in the off-season. Usually, though, it’s out of sight, not out of mind for the … Read the rest
Enjoying the flames and the slowly building heat from starting the wood stove for the night. Guess this is saying goodbye to the semblance of winter we’ve just had. Wood heat and tending the fire seems best enjoyed when it’s … Read the rest
Pretty sure today’s was the first heavy rainfall alert of the year. It’s still early March! Is it worth asking what happened to April showers bring May flowers, and in March you can still go…skiing? The weather warning isn’t all … Read the rest
Spring is in the air, there’s no easier way to put it! The warmth of the sun where it touches your skin erases the chill from a mild breeze. Thermometer says it’s 64°F/80°C. Not quite T-shirt weather, but a T-shirt … Read the rest
We’re back to browns and yellows with a hint of green, and a few faint reminders of snow hanging on. There’s been no real winter this year, only a few visits from serious subzero cold and snow. At least, that’s … Read the rest
It’s around noon, and an unseasonably, pleasantly warm 62°F/17°C. This cheap old plastic analog thermometer has been hanging in a doorway for at least the last 10 years. It’s a quick and reliable way to see how warm or cold … Read the rest
You can only come up with so many titles for the same photo, taken every few days, to show the ups and downs of the local weather. The sun is getting warmer, more head-on. That’s normal! Wondering when the fields … Read the rest