A spot of tea…
Steeping compost in water is all it takes to come up with a healthy batch of…compost tea. Here we’ve taken some composted cow manure and let it sit in a 55-gallon barrel of water for a few days. There are … Read the rest
Steeping compost in water is all it takes to come up with a healthy batch of…compost tea. Here we’ve taken some composted cow manure and let it sit in a 55-gallon barrel of water for a few days. There are … Read the rest
A rather warm (28°C) and sunny Sunday, feels more like late spring than the early days of autumn. The field is looking oddly full, thanks to the sections of oats, and quite orderly. Specks in the distance, Heike from Germany … Read the rest
As things begin to slow down in the field, with crops finishing for the season, half-forgotten gems brighten up the harvest days. Here, two beds of hot peppers, tucked away at the bottom of the field, have been doing uncommonly … Read the rest
The pumpkin patch, recently a soothing sea of green, is now a mess of dried out leaves and expired plants. Most varieties were all but obliterated by the last month’s heat and lack of water—no rain, no spare irrigation. Still, … Read the rest
The cover crop-smother crop-green manure oats is doing rather well! Strolling by the several sections checkerboarded through the field is one of my newfound small fall pleasures. It’s so vigorous and vibrant and…vigorous… In different sections, you can also see … Read the rest
After the long holiday weekend, I did a quick new harvest for the handful of usually-on-Monday CSA shares. We have three CSA pick-up days, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and harvest for the last two can be mostly combined on Sundays. … Read the rest
Zinnias, calendula and cosmos, randomly selected, snipped short and stuck in a coffee mug… Who can resist? There’s more time in September days to…contemplate, begin going over what worked out and what didn’t during the year. Like, flowers. I dunno … Read the rest