Where we’re at…
If you can average a month’s weather with one photo, this is pretty well it for the days of May this year, hovering between bright and sunny and gloomy and overcast, veering one way or another for a day or … Read the rest
If you can average a month’s weather with one photo, this is pretty well it for the days of May this year, hovering between bright and sunny and gloomy and overcast, veering one way or another for a day or … Read the rest
Really fine weather for our second market day of the season: sunshine, warmth, a pleasant breeze…! A bit more variety than last week, with all-lettuce mesclun, spinach, arugula, Jerusalem artichoke, chives and rhubarb, but still not much quantity of anything. … Read the rest
Harvest for the second farmers’ market of the season was OK, but still what I think of as kinda found crops. There’s the first market harvest ever of rhubarb, a binful (20 bundles or so) from the fairly giant patch … Read the rest
When you look back at last May on this tiny farm, overall, the state of the field isn’t all that different, BUT, the really cool nights for much of the month have slowed growth noticeably. Compare the first planting of … Read the rest
Don’t know who that is in the photo…it’s not me! I last posted this image—I found it online; I think it’s public domain; he’s loading up a herbicide called alachlor—in an October, 2007 post, And now for something completely different… … Read the rest
Especially compared to yesterday, today’s mainly sunny, quite warm weather added up to a glorious day in the field. Lynn, Raechelle and Shannon were all on hand, plus the inadvertent pet chicken, Colonel Saunders (I guess there’s no going back … Read the rest
Rain is usually the only thing that stops work in the field, and not even that on harvest days, but this crazy cold May has had it’s particularly nasty, stay-inside days, and today was one of ’em. With a sharp, … Read the rest