Baby veggies go to market
You can’t go wrong with baby carrots, it seems. They are, well, cute (I’ve heard people say that way more than once). So you can buy them and eat them, or maybe stick ’em in a clear vase full of … Read the rest
Carrot-burlap method gets a twist
Here’s one of the more extreme displays of crazily labor-intensive tiny farming technique. Andie surveys our work, the result of deciding to try landscape fabric in place of burlap to help carrot seed germination. It’s actually a double experiment, because … Read the rest
Chickens: ranging too far
These guys, the White Rock Cornish X meat birds, have free-ranged too far, making it to the edge of the veggie garden in the big field. Luckily, although it looks good in the photo, this all-lettuce mesclun is done, cut … Read the rest
Another rainbow
It’s almost “yet another rainbow,” but not quite. We’ve seen a good collection so far this season, including quite spectacular horizon-to-horizon double rainbows two nights in a row. Which means there’s been lots of rain, and all the cloudiness that … Read the rest
Spring-planted garlic…
This first spring-planted garlic experiment is coming along just about as I imagined it would, from what I’d heard: slower and smaller. It’s 3-4 weeks behind where fall garlic usually is at this point, scapes are just emerging. Then again, … Read the rest
Farm eggs with hot sausage
A week after arrival, the 25 Shaver Red Sex Link ready-to-lay layers are starting to lay. That’s good. We’re up to 7-8 eggs a day, and most are just shy of Small (on the official egg scale), but the numbers … Read the rest